
1 year!

Today my little diary of a blog turns 1 year old. The purpose of Li & Verden was to remember 2011. And I do. The blog has made me more aware of all the little things that make me happy in my everyday life. Whether that is a long walk, a really good cup of tea, or guessing correctly on what time it is.
A couple of really big things happened this past year. I got my BA, and I moved to Copenhagen. The changes took their impact on me and I had a couple of hard months at the end of the year. But inside I was happy all the way through even though, some days, clouds completely covered the sky...

2012 is about me. I want to take good care of myself. Concentrate on the present, but also on my future. This year I hope to continue my education. I hope to find more peace, and i hope to discover new sides of myself.


  1. Tillykke med årsdagen. Jeg glæder mig til at læse med endnu et år :)

  2. tusind tillykke - og det lyder som det bedste nytårsforsæt, jeg længe har hørt. flere burde gøre det samme som dig.

  3. Yay! Happy 1 year :) I love visiting your lovely blog. Here’s to a great year for you. x

  4. I've awarded the liebster blog award to you - apologies if you have had this before feel free to ignore :)

  5. This was beautiful! And I'm so, so happy I found your blog. It's one of my new very favourites, and I am wishing you all the happiness for 2012. xo

  6. Happy first Birthday!
