
New kind of Tuesday

Started the day in the fitness-center at 8 o'clock, with a good friend. It was perfect! Except, 45 minutes into workout, K excused himself and ran to the toilet. Returned 10 minutes later. He had just been sick, the poor thing...
There were barely any people there, so early. Only sidenote; at 4 o'clock I was hit in the head by a hammer with T.I.R.E.D. printed on the side. I guess this new routine takes some getting used to.

"I'll take another one, for the baby" said S, reaching for a chocolate Easter-egg, at vocal-group practice today. That is how we found out that she is pregnant, and has been so for the last FOUR months! Then some serious shrieking was going on, and we all let her know that we Had noticed that she had gained a lot of weight the last couple of weeks. 1,5 months ago I saw her, and immediately thought that she was pregnant. Guess I was right.


  1. Respekt for din udholdenhed. Det eneste morgengymnastik jeg nogensinde har gjort i, var da jeg i en periode svømmede kl. 6 om morgenen. Gaaab, det var tidligt, men man havde det SÅ godt bagefter.

  2. Kl 6! Det var alligevel imponerende, den kan jeg ikke slå :)
    God weekend
